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Whether it's preparing for a quick sale or making your new home your own, fresh painting brings life to every room at such a small cost.

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Sharron from Graham's Paint & Paper says Gray is the new black and you can expect this year's palette to incorporate a lot of grayed out colours including colour of the year Violet Verbena.

The colours are comforting, refined and part of a palette of deep saturated hues that offer flexibility in home decorating. The key is to select colour schemes that best reflect your taste and lifestyle, and grays and neutral tones are still front runners!

Please mention my name when purchasing paint @ Graham's Paint & Paper located in beautiful Tecumseh and you will receive The Decorator discount of 15% off your purchase.


A simple change like lighting can change the dynamic of a room and bring your home to a modern, traditional or contemporary feel.

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It appears that oversized pendants and chandeliers are trending for this 2017, while geometric shapes are bursting onto the lighting scene as well.

For those looking to save energy, minimalist LED lighting is also gaining momentum and offers a great look on where lighting is headed in the future!

Read my latest news and articles to find out more about real estate in Windsor and Essex County